Daniel (Dan) Acosta-Kane
Faculty Advisor: Virginia de Sa
Ahern, Johnathan Ray
Area of Research Interest:
Faculty Advisor:
Sana Ali
s5ali@ucsd.eduArea of Research Interest: Cognitive neuroscience methods such as functional neuroimaging to explore psychopathology with a focus on neurodevelopment disorders.
Faculty Advisor: Deanna Greene
Matthew T Beaudouin-Lafon
mbeaudouinlafon@ucsd.eduAreas of Research Interest: Human Computer Interaction with a focus on design methods for the information architecture of user interfaces
Faculty Advisor: Haijun Xia
Felix Jedidja Binder
fbinder@ucsd.eduCSB 226
Area of Research Interest: Planning, problem solving & physical world models
Faculty Advisor: David Kirsh
Mia Borzello
CSB 123
Area of Research Interest: Electrophysiology, Hippocampus, cognitive neuroscience, memory, virtual reality
Faculty Advisor: Andrea Chiba
Parla Buyruk
pbuyruk@ucsd.eduCSB 215/230
Faculty Advisor: Lera Boroditsky
Yining (Rima) Cao
Faculty Advisor: Haijun Xia
Dillan Cellier
Area of Research Interest: I study temporal dynamics in electrophysiological data, and how they reveal the cognitive processes that underlie human behavior.
Faculty Advisor: Bradley Voytek
Tyler Chang
tachang@ucsd.eduArea of Research Interest: Language model analysis, including language learning, comprehension, and production.
Faculty Advisor: Ben Bergen & Zhuowen Tu
Zhining Chen
Area of Research Interest:
Faculty Advisor:
Ana Chkhaidze
achkhaid@ucsd.eduCSB 232
Area of Research Interest: Phenomenology of thought and its cognitive and neural fingerprints
Faculty Advisor: Lera Boroditsky
Alice Chung
Area of Research Interest: My main research interest is human-computer interaction, to study how/why we create software and how we talk about software. HCI, computing education, artist-created technology.
Faculty Advisor: Philip Guo
Alessandro (Ollie) D'Amico
Areas of Research Interest: Non-invasive neuroimaging with a focus on using EEG for brain-computer interfacing and investigating cognitive neuroscience in naturalistic tasks and settings
Faculty Advisor: Virginia de Sa
Tania Delgado
CSB 230
Faculty Advisor: Seana Coulson
Michelle Ding
quding@ucsd.eduFaculty Advisor:
Area of Research Interest:
Yueying (Holly) Dong
Faculty Advisor: Anastasia Kiyonaga
Homero Esmeraldo
Area of Research Interest: Reinforcement learning, memory, planning, individual differences
Faculty Advisor: Meenakshi Khosla
Alexandria Evans
a6evans@ucsd.eduAreas of Research Interest: Comparative cognition, cognitive evolution, prosocial behavior, human-animal interaction, animal welfare, metacognition. I study decision making and visitor effects in primates.
Faculty Advisor: Federico Rossano
Matthew Fain
Area of Research Interest: How we transform our experience of reality into memory.
Faculty Advisor: David Kirsh
Teng (Simon) Fei
Faculty Advisor:
Area of Research Interest:
EM-J Galang
Areas of Research Interest: Neural mechanisms of spatial cognition and navigation, including path integration and reference frame transformations.
Faculty Advisor: Douglas Nitz
Michael Robert Haupt
CSB 234
Area of Research Interest: Social network analysis, Semantic network, Cognition of misinformation spread
Faculty Advisor: Seana Coulson
Devamardeep Singh Hayatpur
Faculty Advisor: Haijun Xia
Zoe He
Faculty Advisor: Angela Yu
Victoria (Tori) Hennessy
Area of Research Interest: Cognitive Development
Faculty Advisor: Martin Zettersten & Gedeon Deák
Irene Hou
Area of Research Interest: My research interests span human-centered AI, human-computer interaction, and computing pedagogy.
Faculty Advisor: Philip Guo
Shang-En (Sean) Huang
Areas of Research Interest: I'm fascinated by language and the brain, I wish to further explore my interests in Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics, and Second and Foreign Language Acquisition.
Faculty Advisor: Seana Coulson
Aiden Iveris
Faculty Advisor: Sarah Creel & Gedeon Deak
Ian Jackson
Faculty Advisor:
Area of Research Interest:
Peiling Jiang
Areas of Research Interest: I'm interested in making tools that help us learn, manage information space, and create.
Faculty Advisor: Jim Hollan
Alejandro Jinich
CSB 230
Area of Reserach Interest: Meditation-based analgesia and multi-scale mind-body processes from whole-brain to cellular level (including belief change, kundalini meditation, and nonlocal interactions)
Faculty Advisor: Douglas Nitz & Seana Coulson
Cameron Robert Jones
c8jones@ucsd.eduCSB 125
Area of Research Interest: Large Language Models, World Knowledge, Theory of Mind
Faculty Advisor: Ben Bergen
Yoonwon Jung
y5jung@ucsd.eduFaculty Advisor:
Area of Research Interest:
Lumi Kang
Area of Research Interest: Cognitive Linguistics, Syntax/Semantics
Faculty Advisor: Seana Coulson
Elizabeth (Liz) Kaplan
Area of Research Interest:
Faculty Advisor: -
Betina Mario Karshaleva
CSB 225
Faculty Advisor: Gedeon Deak
Stephan Kaufhold
CSB 223
Faculty Advisor: Federico Rossano
Robert Kaufman
CSB 226
Areas of Research Interest: Human-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence in complex, safety-critical domains including autonomous vehicles ("self-driving cars"), healthcare, and misinformation prevention
Faculty Advisor: David Kirsh
Stacy Kim
Faculty Advisor: Doug Nitz
Emily Koithan
emkoithan@ucsd.eduAreas of Research Interest: I plan to learn more about neuroimaging and machine learning in graduate school, which I hope to use to gain insight into the functional organization of the brain and the neural bases of psychiatric and neurological disorders.
Faculty Advisor: Deanna Greene
Scott Kooiman
Faculty Advisor:
Area of Research Interest:
Eena Kosik
ekosik@ucsd.eduArea of Research Interest: Autonomic nervous system activity and the interactions with neural oscillations and cognition.
Faculty Advisor: Bradley Voytek
Davis Lee
Faculty Advisor: Eran Mukamel
Estelita Leija
CSB 232
Areas of Research Interest: I would like to combine the knowledge I obtained from my Master of Science in architecture and Bachelor of Science in cognitive science and emphasis in neuroscience to continue research advancements that gude the design for both indoor and outdoor environments that are inclusive and adaptable to children (K-12) who are both typically developing as well as those with ADHD, Autism, and Anxiety disorders.
Faculty Advisor: Andrea Chiba
Rachel Lim
Faculty Advisor:
Area of Research Interest:
Chaolan Lin
CSB 226
Area of Research Interest: Social cognition, cognitive development, theory of mind, human-robot interaction
Faculty Advisor: Doug Nitz
William McCarthy
CSB 231
Area of Research Interest: Visual reasoning, abstraction learning, generative behaviors, and creative collaboration.
Faculty Advisor: David Kirsh
Madeline Grace Meade
Area of Research Interest: Comparative cognition, including Theory of Mind, logic, and social cognition in nonhuman primates
Faculty Advisor: Federico Rossano
James A. Michaelov
CSB 231
Faculty Advisor: Ben Bergen
Bryan Min
Area of Research Interest: Human-Computer Interaction
Faculty Advisor: Haijun Xia
Akshay Nagarajan
anagaraj@ucsd.eduFaculty Advisor: Andrea Chiba
Hui Xin Ng
Area of Research Interest: Brain Aging, Psychiatric Disorders, Bipolar Disorders
Faculty Advisor: Jim Hollan
Srishti Palani
CSB 227
Faculty Advisor: Steven Dow
Jeongeon Park
Area of Research Interest: Human-computer interaction and human-AI interaction for supporting information navigation, comprehension, and utilization within people’s unique contexts and preferences.
Faculty Advisor: Steven Dow
Sujin Park
Area of Research Interest: Developmental neuroscience, predicting behavioral outcomes using biomarkers, mental health and clinical disorders
Faculty Advisor: Deanna Greene
Max E. Potter
Faculty Advisor:
Area of Research Interest:
Emily Robles
eprovenz@ucsd.eduCSB 225
Areas of Research Interest: Orthographic and phonological contribution to silent reading of sentences
Faculty Advisor: Marta Kutas
Srinivas (Srini) Ravishankar
Areas of Research Interest: Algorithmic advances in Brain-Computer Interfaces for neuroprosthetics
Faculty Advisor: Virginia de Sa
Jude Rayan
Areas of Research Interest: My research interests lie at the intersection of Social Computing, Creativity and Human-Computer Interaction. I am currently exploring ways to help information sense-making and ideation during collaborative problem solving.
Faculty Advisor: Steven Dow
Pamela Riviere
CSB 125
Faculty Advisor: Lara Rangel
Emilia Rosselli Del Turco
erossellidelturco@ucsd.eduArea of Research Interest: Personal Information Management (PIM) and professional vision across disciplines, with a focus on designing cognitive artifacts that support interdisciplinary interaction
Faculty Advisor: Jim Hollan
Yumeng (Monica) Shen
Area of Research Interest: Speech perception and production among bilinguals and L2 speakers; word learning by preschool-aged children; eye tracking
Faculty Advisor(s): Sarah Creel, Anne Beatty-Martínez
Fuling Sun
fusun@ucsd.eduArea of Research Interest: Human-computer interaction and information visualization, currently interested in multilevel representation of information.
Faculty Advisor: Haijun Xia
Lu Sun
CSB 237
Faculty Advisor: Steven Dow
Yueyan Tang
Faculty Advisor: Gedeon Deak
Samuel (Sam) Taylor
Areas of Research Interest: Decision making and planning in humans and machines, particularly in large-language models
Faculty Advisor: Ben Bergen
Jack Terwilliger
Faculty Advisor: Federico Rossano
Alyssa Truman
CSB 235
Areas of Research Interest: Language, Brain, Cognition, EEG
Faculty Advisor: Marta Kutas & Seana Coulson
Janet Tung
CSB 228
Faculty Advisor: Douglas Nitz
Annapurna Vadaparty
Areas of Research Interest: Learning Sciences
Faculty Advisor: Steven Dow
Quirine van Engen
quvaneng@ucsd.eduAreas of Research Interest: I'm studying the neural correlates of working memory processes, specifically theta oscillations and aperiodic activity in EEG.
Faculty Advisor: Bradley Voytek
Vijay Veerabadran
CSB 232
Area of Research Interest: Neural networks, vision, machine learning
Faculty Advisor: Virginia de Sa
Emily Winokur
CSB 233
Faculty Advisor: Andrea Chiba
Haiyang (Daniel) Xu
Faculty Advisor: Zhuowen Tu
Haoyin (Winnie) Xu
Faculty Advisor: Seana Coulson
Zhuojun Ying
Faculty Advisor: Anastasia Kiyonaga
Harshada Yadav
Faculty Advisor: Seana Coulson
Lu Yang
Area of Research: My main research interest is cybernetics within computational architecture, including human-architecture interaction in computer-mediated environments, the use of generative architectural context to influence spatial cognition (via procedural algorithms & AI generation), and the detection of emotion and behavior through embodied interfaces in Mixed Reality.
Faculty Advisor: David Kirsh
Qisen Yang
Faculty Advisor:
Area of Research Interest:
Sihan Yang
Faculty Advisor: Anastasia Kiyonaga