- akiyonaga@ucsd.edu
- (858) 822-2820
9500 Gilman Dr
Mail Code: 0515
La Jolla , California 92093
Anastasia Kiyonaga
Assistant Professor
- Research Interests
Research Interests
How the brain generates and maintains transient mental representations to guide behavior. How the active content of thought intersects with perception, attention, and action.
- Steven Barrera
- Anne Beatty-Martínez
- Benjamin Bergen
- Lera Boroditsky
- Andrea Chiba
- Seana Coulson
- Sarah Creel
- Virginia de Sa
- Gedeon Deák
- Steven Dow
- Shannon Ellis
- Jason Fleischer
- Deanna Greene
- Philip Guo
- Jim Hollan
- Terry L. Jernigan
- Meenakshi Khosla
- David Kirsh
- Anastasia Kiyonaga
- Scott Klemmer
- Eran Mukamel
- Douglas A. Nitz
- Lara Rangel
- Federico Rossano
- Ayse P. Saygin
- Sean Trott
- Zhuowen Tu
- Bradley Voytek
- Drew E. Walker
- Haijun Xia
- Martin Zettersten