- sttrott@ucsd.edu
9500 Gilman Dr
Mail Code: 0515
La Jolla , California 92093
Sean Trott
Assistant Teaching Professor
- Research Interests
- Selected Publications
Research Interests
Using a combination of behavioral experiments, computational tools (e.g., neural language models), and corpus analysis to ask questions about how humans understand language and why languages look the way that they do. For example: how do we understand ambiguous language, and why is language so ambiguous in the first place? I also teach courses on language, research methods, statistics, and computational social science.
Selected Publications
Trott, S., & Bergen, B. (2022). Languages are efficient, but for whom?. Cognition, 225, 105094. [Link to paper][Data and code for analysis]
Trott, S., & Bergen, B. (2020). Why do human languages have homophones? Cognition, 205, 104449. [Link to paper][Link to preprint][Data and code for analysis]
Trott, S., & Bergen, B. (2021). RAW-C: Relatedness of Ambiguous Words, in Context (A New Lexical Resource for English). ACL-IJCNLP-2021. [Link to paper] [link to dataset and code]
- Steven Barrera
- Anne Beatty-Martínez
- Benjamin Bergen
- Lera Boroditsky
- Andrea Chiba
- Seana Coulson
- Sarah Creel
- Virginia de Sa
- Gedeon Deák
- Steven Dow
- Shannon Ellis
- Jason Fleischer
- Deanna Greene
- Philip Guo
- Jim Hollan
- Terry L. Jernigan
- Meenakshi Khosla
- David Kirsh
- Anastasia Kiyonaga
- Scott Klemmer
- Eran Mukamel
- Douglas A. Nitz
- Lara Rangel
- Federico Rossano
- Ayse P. Saygin
- Sean Trott
- Zhuowen Tu
- Bradley Voytek
- Drew E. Walker
- Haijun Xia
- Martin Zettersten